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Hungca Co., receives the certificate of appreciation from Dong Thap Province’s People Committee

The morning of October 12th 2010, the Community College of Dong Thap Province held the 10th anniversary, receiving the Third-Class Labour Medal and opening ceremony for the school year 2010 – 2011.

During past years, Hungca Co., and the Community College of Dong Thap Province have regularly had close contact to exchange information about educating, internship and recruiting. There have been more than 300 students working and having internship in the company.

On this occasion, Dong Thap Province’s People Committee gave the company the certificate of appreciation for cooperating in supporting education with the college.

Until now, the foundation for community development of the college has collected over VND 75 million, in which Hungca Co., contributed VND 10 million. The College awarded 75 scholarships for 75 students in order to encourage their learning spirit.

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